20 Simple Makeup Tips and Tricks to Hide Signs of Age for Women Over 50


Older women may have a harder time finding makeups tricks to look good. After all, what does that 20-something influence on Instagram know about hiding wrinkles? Instead of going to self-proclaimed makeup gurus, you should ask what the professional artists are doing to help their older clients put on the perfect face. By following these simple makeup tricks, you’ll look and feel younger in no time.

1. Add Liner to Lips


As we grow older, lines around our mouth and lips become more prominent. This means that lipstick will settle in crevices where it shouldn’t. The simplest solution is to use a lip liner to define where your upper and lower lip skin end. With age, lips and facial skin blend together, so defining a “barrier” between the two can help give you fuller-looking lips.

2. Keep Eyeshadow Light


Even though a cat-like look can make your eyes pop, a less-is-more approach is more age-appropriate in older women. As we mature, a lighter application of eyeshadow can go a long way. Avoid using loud colors light blue, green, or pink, and instead, opt for a hue that complements your natural skin tone.
